Thursday, April 4, 2013

the perfect family

I have been wanting to write about the curse of comparison for a while. I believe it is the root of many many emotional discomforts and extremely prevalent in our social media society! From the baby that smiled perfectly with a sunset behind her flowing hair, or the late night dance party that you missed because you were up at 2am (and 4am and 6am) feeding your screaming newborn... we look at it all and secretly wish that was us. We love what we have, but we also want what they have. Now, I will be the first to admit, I post REALLY cute pictures of my baby girl and you can bet your butt that I didn't put up pictures of me when I thought I looked mega-pregnant and bloated. (this may be why many of you didn't think I gained 62 pounds.. I did, you just didn't get to see it) those photos are for my eyes only. (and motivation for my next pregnancy) 
I could sit here and try to express my thoughts about comparison but I think you will enjoy a post by a dear family friend of mine over on her blog. She couldn't have put it any better! Please please jump over and read it. I'll be here when you get back.

So here is my list of "I don'ts" 

-I don't unpack the day I get home from a trip
-I don't wear matching socks
-I don't do email
-I don't listen to voicemail
-I didn't make my 8 month old an Easter basket
-I wear my toenail polish till it grows out 
-I'm not proactive
-Things don't have "a place" in my house
-I don't have a clean car
-I'm not an organized person. PERIOD
-I don't always wash my hands every time I use the restroom. Sorry, 
    but I think I'm relatively careful when going, if I'm not, then I wash
-I didn't "just lose the baby weight" like they say (I've worked for every lb)
-I am not career driven (although I do considering raising children a full time job)
-I don't eat salads just to avoid calories
-I don't have self control when I have a zit ...POP
-I don't grow my own vegetables and herbs
-I don't think queso is bad for you

Now all that being said, I do believe in the power of building yourself up. Especially after waisting an hour (or two) comparing your life to that of the facebook/instagram world.

So here is my list of "I dos"

-I do have great hair
-I did go all out on my nursery
-I do capture cute moments on my camera (but thats what they are, moments, 
    not a video of my screaming, pooping, non-concealer wearing days)
-I do cook dinner for my husband during the week (most nights)
-I do have a morning routine (but nothing that compares to my sisters.. ugh, there I go again, comparing.. grrr)
-I'm ok with eating my words.. most of the time

Embrace what you don't do, love what you do do. Look for the beauty in the creativity of others and humble yourself daily. No one has the perfect life, job, baby or husband. Encourage and be honest with each other because thats what we all really need. xoxo



  1. And all of those things are why I love you!!!

    I don't EVER cook.
    I don't go a day without wearing an article of clothing that doesn't have either bleach or syrup stains.
    I don't always wash, let alone brush my hair.

    I take clothes out of the dirty clothes and wear them.
    I floss my teeth every day.
    I don't go to Ed with dirty feet.

  2. Ooops that was supposed to say bed, not Ed.... I don't know Ed

  3. Such a wonderful post Emma. I really love it! I will get back with you on my do's and don't soon! :)

