Tuesday, April 23, 2013

naked with a third arm

Its amazing how naked i feel when i go anywhere without Sadie Bray. Its like i want to wear a sign that says "mamma to a beautiful baby girl!" Its a pride thing, its a humbling thing.. its a love thing! Its like wearing the armor of God, only physically... I'm stronger with her! I'm not only stronger with her, but its the strangest thing, the second she was born i instantly sprouted a third arm! 
Now, don't be fooled by this magical third arm! Its a tricky little thing! As soon as you are alone without your little one, it disappears just as quickly as it came! i swear i am an absolute mess when i am at the grocery store by myself. When she's with me we are laughing, singing and playing games (along with constantly picking up the toys she throws on the ground) call me crazy, but i actually enjoy going to the store with her! i am almost positive that EVERY single time i have gone to the store alone i forget something on my list. There are only three explanations that i can come up with for this. First is the lack of my third arm (obviously). Second is that i have serious control issues and i think that no one can watch her as well as i can so i rush rush rush through the store so i can get back to her as soon as possible (gosh, this is so terrible and i desperately need to break those chains, for her sake and for mine). The third (and the reason i am sticking with) is that maybe she just brings me so much joy and peace, that having her as my sidekick is exactly what i need to slowdown and enjoy the world around me!! Singing silly songs that make her laugh like "don't forget the milk, don't forget the eggs, hi-ho the dario, you need the milk and eggs" Baby girl, you are SOOOO good for your mamma and i'd much rather have a third arm than walk around naked any day!! 
{thanks to aunt cc & all her wonderful toys, these adorable pictures from easter fit perfectly... i wish i was that clever!} 

1 comment:

  1. Your baby girl is precious! Love reading your blog & love this post! I can't even begin to tell you that I feel the exact same way about my baby Charlotte :) It's like you took the words right out of my mouth.
