Friday, March 15, 2013

Never dreaming that I would be the first of my friends to have a baby, I couldn't help but wonder how in the world I am going to be a mom? I came from a family with an incredibly strong mother. She was our teacher, biggest encourager and number one defender, all while showing tough love and letting us learn from our own mistakes. Basically she's the perfect mom.. (sounds like your mom too, huh?) Anyway those are pretty big shoes to fill and quite frankly I am still striving every day to fill them (or at least stand next to them). I wasn't nervous about the pregnancy or if I ate a piece of cold turkey that my baby would be born lop-sided, no, not the delivery or the fact that I might toot when pushing her out.. my fear was simply being a mom. (just a side note, my dad is a total rockstar too, but this one is going out to the mammas out there)

So, the question I get asked most often from my friends is "how do you know how to do all this stuff???" The answer my friends, is the Lord. I firmly believe that He created us to be mothers. Now seeing that He is extremely wise, He was pretty smart when He created us. I'm not exactly sure how it all happens, but the second that baby is born, BAM! you get hit with all these maternal instincts. Its AWESOME! Of course, I needed my mom right there beside me every second of every hour during the first few weeks, but it wasn't so I could watch her raise my child. It was another person to bounce ideas off of (b/c Lord knows your husband is CLUELESS! {wonderful} but clueless). It was someone to encourage me that I really can do this and that its going to be okay! and boy did I need to hear it! (but we'll talk about the "baby blues" in a later post)

Now, by no means do I think I have it together and am the perfect mom (my sister might be, but I am FAR FROM IT!) but I just have to remind myself, I was made to do this. So to all my pregnant friends out there.. be encouraged. You will do amazing! Even if your mom isn't there with you, God truly is and so are all the other moms out there! Every day He continues to teach us new tricks and ways to just plain "figure it out."  


  1. Um, so this is an incredible post, and so encouraging. I've found myself in this crisis of conscience lately concerning all these exact things. Thinking things like, "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING AND I MUST BE FAILING!" and such. But your words are such a good reminder. This is what God created me to do. He did. And that honestly brings tears to my eyes even now as I read this for the second day in a row. Thank you. <3

  2. Wow, wow, wow! Your Facebook post today was about precious Sadie's 8 month blog post and before I even read that, I found my way here! God is so amazing at providing exactly what we need. Thank you MC for letting Him speak through to mommy's to be out there! Last night as I laid awake, once pregnant, you never really sleep through the night right? And I was thinking about this exactly. My mom isn't here to show me everything I will need to know (and thank you for thinking of us girls without mom's near, in your post) <3. I never had younger sibling to care for, never was a baby sitter or had younger cousins to watch to give me experience of what it would be like to care for a child. But our all-providing God spoke this to me last night, "You are going to be an awesome mother!" And all of a sudden, I knew I had everything I would need to provide for our baby... I have Him!! Thank you so much for that reassurance that he is all we need! It's a blessing to be able to share in your journey of motherhood with you and beautiful and delightful Sadie Bray! xo Lindsey
