Wednesday, March 13, 2013

becoming a mamma

{the day "it" became "she"}

{our dog tub}

{im sexy and i know it}
In October of 2011, after taking about 5 tests, I found out I was pregnant!   OH MY!!!! ME??? A MOM?? I'm scattered enough as a wife... but a mom... deep breath!!! There is no doubt in my mind that Gods timing is perfect but that doesn't mean I wasn't anxious! Other than the nausea the first trimester and the 60, yes you read that right, 60 pounds I gained, I had a very easy pregnancy!! On top of that, my delivery was just as wonderful. But no books or advice from my mom could prepare me for those first few weeks home from the hospital!! This blog is a place for me to share my experiences as a wife and mom as honestly as I can. Maybe along the way I will encourage any new moms out there that simply need to hear the words.. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! 

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